Welcome to BuzzChat's API Service

Providing unparalleled access to our tools and services to use in your application

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99.95% availability

Our APIs can be used for mission-critical systems.

100 API calls daily

Our APIs define the industry's standards.

10 thousand active users

Thousands of people trust us.

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Our APIs

Feature 1

Charles V3

Your ultimate AI companion that understands emotions and displays pure talent. Charles is trained with real human personality and acts as such.

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Feature 2

Ember V1

EMBER is your discreet companion on the journey to emotional well-being. This AI, crafted with care, offers personalized support for mastering your emotions and enhancing positive behaviors. It's your ally in the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life.

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Innovation is our Hallmark

BuzzChat's developer service will give you unparalleled access to tap into BuzzChat's ecosystem to build your innovative tools. The power is in your hands
Frederick Abila

Founder at BuzzChat Inc.